When Districts Need to Apply for Renewal

Five-Year System Approvals When Districts Need to Apply for Renewal

TIA offers five-year system approvals for local designation systems. If districts would like to continue issuing new designations, then they will need to submit a renewal application with enough time to meet the data submission and system approval timelines before the expiration date of their current system.

The renewal process is a streamlined opportunity for districts to (1) meet current statutory requirements, (2) holistically review the existing system to identify strengths and areas for continuous improvement, and (3) expand or modify a local designation system to additional eligible teaching assignments.

System Renewals Timeline

Planning Ahead System Renewals Timeline

The renewal process starts in the fourth year of a district’s five-year local designation system approval period. For example, a district that first issued designations in the 2022-2023 school year would start their renewal process in 2025-2026.

Renewal Application Year

Fall: Renewal Application Posted and Training Session Conducted
Spring: Renewal Application Submission Deadline
Summer: Renewal Application Acceptances Communicated

Renewal Implementation Year

School Year: Accepted Renewal Implementation and Data Capture Year

First Year for Approved Renewals

Fall: Renewal Data Submission to Texas Tech University
Spring: Renewed System Approvals Communicated and Designations Issued

Key Components of the Local Designation System Renewal Process

District Actions Key Components of the Local Designation System Renewal Process

District goals and needs may change significantly over five years. To ensure their local designation system is still set up to provide the best value to their teachers, and still follows the requirements set by TIA, districts take the following actions through the system renewal process:

  • Check that the district’s local designation system aligns with current TIA requirements, which may have been updated since their initial System Application
  • Update their local designation system and spending plan to reflect the district’s current goals and needs
  • Work to include more teaching assignments in the local designation system to expand opportunities for teacher designations
  • Submit updated teacher observation and student growth data that demonstrates the positive impact the local designation system has had on the district
System Renewal FAQs

System Renewal FAQs

Does a district’s plan to expand or modify the local designation system at the time of renewal require a separate, additional Expansion and Modification Application?

No. The completion of the Renewal Application supplants the need for a separate Expansion and Modification Application in the same year.

If a district has submitted an Expansion and Modification Application since their initial System Application, do they still need to apply for renewal?

Yes. All districts that received initial system approval must submit a renewal application to continue to operate an approved TIA system. Districts are encouraged to access and complete the renewal application as early as possible in the required renewal year to ensure the application deadline can be met.

Can districts with an approved system submit an early Renewal Application?

No. Districts will be notified directly when renewal applications are required and should plan on renewing in the fourth year after the approved system application.

What happens if a district does not apply, or is not approved, for renewal?

Districts can designate teachers in the last school year of their five-year system approval period based on the previously approved system. However, the district’s prior approved system would expire and would not be eligible to designate teachers in the following school year.