The Role
What a TIA Lead Does

TIA leads drive the work of creating and implementing the local designation system and serve as a point of contact for TEA. They coordinate with district departments and key stakeholders to complete the System Application and oversee system implementation.

Leading the extensive work of implementing a local designation system requires the right amount of expertise, capacity, and high-level support. In their role as the leader, TIA leads guide the TIA planning committee through every aspect of development and implementation.

Next Steps for TIA Leads

Get Started Next Steps for TIA Leads

TIA leads are not left on their own to lead their district’s local designation system implementation. TIA offers resources and training opportunities to support TIA leads and their planning committees throughout the process. Following the steps outlined below will help ground new TIA leads in the work and prepare them to continue from where the district left off.

Contact TEA

Step 1 Contact TEA

New TIA leads should start by notifying TEA of the change of personnel by emailing TEA will update the district’s points of contact, share training resources and calendars, and provide next steps depending on the district’s stage of implementation.

For districts already implementing a local designation system, TEA will provide access to system documentation and historical allotment and designation data, if applicable.

For districts just getting started with TIA, TEA will ensure the district has an updated letter of intent.

Understand TIA

Step 2 Understand TIA

There are many components to building a local designation system. It is important the TIA lead understands the policies, requirements, and processes of a successful local designation system. New TIA leads should become familiar with the TIA Guidebook and view the introductory webinar.

Learn More

Download TIA Guidebook
Watch an Introduction
Review Local Documentation

Step 3 Review Local Documentation

When possible, new leads should connect with the outgoing TIA lead(s) and supporting departments for knowledge transfer. Request access to existing local documentation, if applicable. If the district has a TIA planning committee, they should connect and learn decisions and steps the district has already made.

TEA recommends that new TIA leads work to ensure they have access to all district-specific TIA materials, like your district’s System Application. If you have questions about those materials, contact the team at

Review Webinars and Training

Step 4 Review Webinars and Training

Webinars are conducted throughout the year to guide districts through the process of developing and implementing a local designation system. TIA leads can review resources and information relevant to the district’s stage of implementation.


  • System development
  • Stakeholder engagement

Year 1 – Application Year

  • System Application

Year 2 – System Implementation & Data Capture Year

  • Capture data
  • Option to apply for future system expansions and modifications
  • TIA Teacher Buy-in Survey

Year 3 – Data Submission, Data Validation, System Approval, Designations and Allotments

  • Data submission
  • Full system approval or denial
  • Award designations and allotments
  • Option to apply for future system expansions and modifications
  • TIA Annual Evaluation surveys and program submission


  • Data submission (if issuing new or higher designations)
  • Option to apply for future system expansions and modifications
  • TIA Annual Evaluation surveys and program submission

View Webinars

Education Service Centers and Technical Assistance Providers

Additional Support Education Service Centers and Technical Assistance Providers

Education Service Centers (ESCs) are equipped to answer questions about TIA and offer general support with system development and implementation. Some ESCs are approved TIA technical assistance providers with additional TIA expertise.

Districts can seek additional support from Technical Assistance Providers (TAPs), or third-party consultants that offer assistance in developing a local designation system, data capture and analysis, and other technical aspects.

See our approved list of TAPs and learn more about how these organizations can support the district’s local designation system.

Learn More

Key Contacts and Resources

Get Help Key Contacts and Resources

There is a TEA team fully dedicated to the Teacher Incentive Allotment. These individuals provide regular training webinars, ensure districts are well-supported throughout the process of developing a local designation system, and are available to answer any of the TIA lead’s questions. For general questions, contact the team at



How should the TIA lead be determined?

The TIA lead must have the expertise, capacity, and high-level support to lead the work. While some districts may create a position specific to leading their TIA local designation system development, most designate existing personnel to lead TIA while performing other essential functions. The TIA lead should have regular access to district leadership when key decisions are made.

District TIA leads often work in human resources, teacher appraisal, or curriculum and instruction. A best practice for larger districts is to select two or more TIA leads working in different departments.

What happens if a TIA lead leaves the district?

If the TIA lead retires, resigns, or moves into a new role, districts may update their contact information by emailing TEA encourages districts to have at least one back-up point of contact who is aware of the district’s TIA plans and can access documentation.

Learn more about the role of a TIA Lead.