Verifying System Fidelity

Data Review Verifying System Fidelity

Following the initial Data Capture Year, districts with an accepted application submit data to Texas Tech University for data validation. TEA then studies the data validation results and conducts a holistic system review before issuing full system approval. If approved, TEA processes the district’s designations. If a district system is not approved, the district may use feedback from the data validation process to make improvements to their system before reattempting data validation in subsequent years.

Fully approved districts may continue to submit full system data to propose new or higher designations annually to Texas Tech for the next four years before system renewal is required. TEA will continue to review data validation results and approve the district to issue new or higher designations annually. If data validation indicates the system is no longer valid and reliable, new and higher designations will not be processed, however, all prior-approved designations will still be valid. The district may submit data again the following year to propose new or higher designations.

The data review process involves gathering necessary teacher performance data, determining designations, submitting the data, and getting data validated.

TEA approves district designation systems. TEA will not approve or reject individual teacher designations.

Determining Designations

Determining Designations

Prior to submitting data to Texas Tech, districts use the teacher performance data (teacher observation, student growth, and other optional components if applicable) collected to determine which teachers qualify for each level of designation.

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Data Submission

Data Submission

Once designations are determined, districts submit a single data file to Texas Tech University for validation along with teacher designation fees.

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Data Validation

Data Validation

Texas Tech University validates district data through a scoring system of nine different checks across five domains, and then sends the results to TEA.

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Approvals and Denials

Approvals and Denials

In late February, districts are notified of whether their local designation system has been approved or denied. If approved, TEA processes new teacher designations in April. If denied, districts can resubmit data the following year.

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Appraisal Waivers

Appraisal Waivers

TEA encourages districts to continue capturing data for all teachers in eligible assignments following the initial Data Capture Year and cautions approved districts to issue appraisal waivers sparingly. TEA and Texas Tech may exercise administrative discretion to suspend annual data validation and designation approval if sufficient data is not reported.

TIA Excel Analysis Tool

Helpful Resource TIA Excel Analysis Tool

Districts can use the TIA Excel Analysis Tool to run analysis on their teacher level data prior to submitting the information to Texas Tech University. This tool may help districts uncover areas of strength and areas of concern in their local designation system. The overall purpose is to assist districts in understanding if their system is fair in evaluating teacher effectiveness.

This tool does not mimic the data validation process or provide scoring. It is designed to show areas of skew, areas of correlation, and provide district, campus, appraiser, and subject/grade level profiles. This tool can be used to help continuously improve a district’s system before data submission as well as after their Data Capture Year.

TIA Excel Analysis Tool 2023 – T-TESS

How to Use the TIA Excel Analysis Tool